Jun 14Liked by Claire

I had gooseberry wine with fish in Finland, I didn’t realise I was in a way connecting with the Middle Ages how lovely!!

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It was a restaurant in Helsinki that only uses ingredients grown outside in Finland (pickled and jammed and wined too ofc) I think you might love it if you ever go :))

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That’s so great! What was the restaurant called?

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Just went on a hunt for it haha it’s called Ravintola Skörd!!

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Merci, this was very insightful.

I am not the biggest fan of currants but I might give them a second chance

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All taste relatively different so perhaps taste them all! :)

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I have been GRIEVING our lack of currants and (specifically) black currants. Hate that they're so hard to come by at all in the US, let alone locally-grown ones! Now you're making me think I need to start a blackcurrant revolution in Virginia....

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It’s never too late :)

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