YAY we’re in Australia! I’ve always dreamt of coming here so when I realized my book was being released down under, I knew I would have to make the trip. Although for most of us the flight is long and not inexpensive, I could not recommend it enough.
I feel extremely lucky that I have many “friends of friends” here because it allowed me to see the city authentically and as a local. I will say, however, that Sydney is also a great place to solo travel because I would have had just as lovely as a time discovering the sights on my own - and actually made a point to do a few things by myself.
Below you’ll find some favorite restaurants, cafes, activities, experiences, shopping, and condiments ofc categorized within Sydney’s many neighborhoods.
I also could not recommend staying in Bondi more… Being able to wake up at 5am with the sunrise, do a quick dip in the ocean or pilates class before starting my busy book tour day kept me so SANE. I’m currently writing this from the airport and I genuinely already miss my routine so much.