Today, I am going to start off by teaching you a Greek word: Papou. Papou means grandpa in Greek and although mine wasn’t able to make it on our family trip this week, this is the island where his family is from! It’s always so nice (and wild) to run into people who recognize us solely from our similar facial features.
I have always come on holiday here and there was definitely a huge shift this year as tourism has boomed. Although I wasn’t planning on creating a guide for my family’s island, it was so heavily requested that I figured I’d share with you my top spots.Although these aren’t “trendy”, these are just places with delicious food, run by wonderful people local to this special island.
As always, you can always find my top visuals highlights on my TikTok “Greece” folder or on my “Greece” IG story highlights. Outfit deets also posted there!